Friðarbæn tónleikar – A Sound Concert with Martin Bläse

Thursday 8th of August – 20:30-22:00

Tónheilun / Sound Healing

Friðarbæn tónleikar – A Sound Concert with Martin Bläse
8th of August – 20:30-22:00

Gongs are among the oldest musical instruments in human history. Their healing effects were recognized early on, and their sound echoed in sacred places.


When his gongs begin to sound and sing, it is like a journey to forgotten cult sites from long-gone days. Through sound vibrations, we enter a timeless space that reaches from the distant past far into the future and touch eternity.

The concerts last about one and a half hours and are a fascinating interplay of dramatic sounds, delicate tones, and silence. Melody and rhythm are present but tend to be in the background. Special concerts for specific occasions and collaborations with other musicians and artists also occur.
The earthly bronze gong and the heavenly sound titan, accompanied by Waterphone and singing bowls, guide us on this journey. Seven cosmic treasures tell of the paths of the planets, and ultimately, everything finds its way into the silence within ourselves.


About Martin Bläse
Martin Bläse, a Gong master silversmith from Schleswig-Holstein, is a third-generation metal artist and gong maker. After years of research and craftsmanship, he has succeeded in creating something entirely new from this ancient knowledge.
Since 1993, he has been forging sound objects, and since 1994, he has been giving concerts with them. Initially, sound bowls and gongs were the focus, but the program has increasingly been enriched by freely designed objects. Each year, he develops a new theme and forges all the objects he needs for it himself.


**Event Dates:** August 8th, 2024 at 20:30-22:00
**Location:** Jógasetrið, Skipholt 50c, Reykjavík, Iceland
**Individuel price**: €37 – 5.500 ísl. króna
**Bring a Friend** for two: €67 – 10.000 ísl. króna


We have a selection of comfortable chairs, yoga mats, and yoga chairs to ensure comfort during the gong meditation. However, if you need a meditation pillow, please bring your own.
We are very much looking forward to this unique opportunity. Please register in advance for this highlight.


**REGISTRATION – SKRÁNING:…/1/product/Q2x1YlNlcnZpY2U6MzA2MDU=


If you want to be informed about the upcoming hands-on workshops with Martin on August 16-18, 2024, please send us an email:


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„Það er meðfætt tilkall hverrar manneskju að vera hraust, helg og hamingjusöm“

– Yogi Bhajan.

„Það er meðfætt tilkall hverrar manneskju að vera hraust, helg og hamingjusöm“

– Yogi Bhajan.