Partner / Para jóga

Þriðjudaginn 22. október kl 19:00 – 20:30

Dásamleg kvöldstund með Carmen Hubig, jógakennara og möntrusöngkonu. (English below )
Komdu með maka, vinkonu, vin, systur, bróður, eða foreldri. Við ætlum að leika okkur saman með skemtilegum teygjum og jógastöðum, tengjast á nýjan hátt, styðja hvort annað og hafa gaman!
Jóga félaginn er spegill af okkur sjálfum og líkamleg nærvera hjálpar okkur að vera alltaf í augnablikinu sem er grundvöllur andlegrar iðkunar. Í Parajóga lærir þú hvernig traust, samúð og nánd virkar með öðru fólki.
Í lok tímans syngjum við nokkrar möntrur með Carmen og svo syngur hún undir í slökuninni!
Mantra jóga er forn vísindi hljóðs og víbrings. Það er byggt á þeirri trú að allt sem við gerum felur í sér orku; Hugsanir okkar, orð, gjörðir og tilfinningar er allt hluti af stærra orkusviði sem kallast prana eða lífskraftur. Þegar við hugsum eða gerum eitthvað sendum við orkubylgju út í heiminn. Þegar við endurtökum möntru aftur og aftur, einbeitum við orkunni inn á við, sem gerir okkur kleift að taka inn í okkar dýpri sjálf og ná meiri tökum á huga okkar.
8.000 kr fyrir tvo saman
4.500 kr fyrir einn
20% afsláttur fyrir iðkendur Jógasetursins (sendið okkur póst á
I was born in 1962, married for 42 years, mother with two grown-up sons, I found my way to yoga in 2015 and since then I have completed many different international yoga teacher trainings in Germany, Turkey ,India and Bali through Hatha-, Vinyasa-, Thai Yoga , Yin Yoga I developed my love for singing spiritual songs and finally by diving deep into Bhakti yoga practice and philosophy I found my way to my very own yoga practice YogaBeYou a embodied Yoga practice with live chanted mantras.
Hatha ,Vinyasa and yin elements create a perfect combination to connect deep with yourself to move softly and release tension and stress supported in practice by the mantras sung live.
Singing Mantras and Heartsongs from all over the world independent of a religious affiliation in small circles diving deep into the healing energy of the old sanscrit mantras is my heart’s desire.
Since 2020 I run a small retreat center in the north of Italy in Piedmont together with my husband. The CentroBeYou in Frassinello Monferrato more informations you can get through Instagram and Facebook or some of my Mantras on an app named soundcloud – look at
Partner yoga is an invitation to you for a deep and touching experience that can only be had when practicing as a couple. Most people find it easy to open up to another yogi without inhibition and curiosity.
You will quickly notice during the yoga exercises that both partners will develop a special sensitivity for when their partner needs physical support.
Partner yoga is – as the name suggests – a deepening of yoga in which two or more yogis go on the mat together. The main difference to normal yoga is the touch between two people.
With mutual touch, movement, attraction and vibration we experience something new. A door opens to a new, previously unknown physical experience.
The partner is a mirror of ourselves at all times and the physical presence helps us to always be in the present moment – a basis of all spiritual practices. In partner yoga you learn how trust, compassion and intimacy work with other people. This is a special experience with partner yoga, because the duality makes it feel a little different every time. Partner yoga breaks down inner barriers
Inner blockages to other people are broken down through partner exercises. This applies to physicality as well as emotions. Yoga with a difference
Two yogis come together to turn a yoga class into a shared experience. The partner reminds you to always be in the moment, which requires absolute concentration. And it’s not deadly serious – it’s of course fun when something doesn’t work out so well 🙂
8.000 kr for 2 together
4.500 kr for one
20% for subscribers of Jógasetrið (send us email:
“ Allt er eins og það er – ég slaka inn i að eins og það er “

„Það er meðfætt tilkall hverrar manneskju að vera hraust, helg og hamingjusöm“


– Yogi Bhajan.