Vocal Healing Concert – Transformational Sound Journey

Sunnudag 28. janúar kl 17:30 – 19:00

Vocal Artist and Healing Channel, Meri Nikula, arrives from Finland to offer a Vocal Healing Concert for the first time in Iceland. This concert is also a transformational sound journey where you get to tune in with your soul’s essence.
Meri’s Healing voice touches you, physically and spiritually, opening you up to new insights in your life. Channelled, layered voice, shaman drums and crystal bowls take you to an inner journey, through the landscapes of your inner universe.
The energy running through Meri is very pure and high vibrating. At the same time, a living connection to the Earth safely grounds you. It is a source of tremendous life force. In this very clear yet very physical energy channel your connection to your essence, gets cleared and activated.
Meri will start the event with gentle movement and conscious breathing. We all align with our own central channel through guided energy work. After creating the energetic space together, we go on the Vocal Healing Journey. You can rest on your yoga mat, relaxing into the experience. After the sound journey we hold a closing circle together.
Meri’s Vocal Healing Concerts often work as a catalyst for a holistic healing process that can be felt a long time after the experience.
Where: Jógasetrið,Skipholt 50 c, 105 Reykjavík
When: Sunday 28.January at 17:30-19:00
Participation: 4500kr
Book your ticket: https://www.abler.io/shop/jogasetrid
Questions and more info:

„Það er meðfætt tilkall hverrar manneskju að vera hraust, helg og hamingjusöm“


– Yogi Bhajan.