Jóga Nidra Advanced
Lífið er ekki verkefni til að leysa heldur leyndardómur til að uppgötva”
– Amrit Desai
Jóga Nidra Advanced 2025
Aðeins fyrir þá sem hafa lokið I AM Yoga Nidra Immersion og Certification
Á Sólheimum 16. – 19. janúar 2025
Included in tuition
- Course material, Manual (88 pages) and Script cards.
- Housing 3 nights from Thursday to Sunday (double or triple room).
- Vegeterian / vegan food from Thursday lunch to Sunday lunch.
- Price: 155.000 ISK
For further information please send an email to jogasetrid@jogasetrid.is
- Senda email á jogasetrid@jogasetrid.is með:
NAFN / KENNITALA / SÍMI - Þegar þú hefur fengið staðfestingu frá okkur að það sé laust pláss, þá vinsamlegast leggðu inn skráningargjald 30.000 kr til að halda plássinu. Skráningargjaldið er óafturkræft en er hluti af námskeiðsgjaldinu.Eftirstöðvarnar verða sendar á greiðsluseðli (Greiðslumiðlun) í heimabanka.
Hægt er að skipta greiðslunni.
Þú lætur okkur vita hvort þú vilt skipta eða greiða í einu lagi.Reikningnúmer fyrir greiðslu staðfestingargjalds:
0137-26-46505 KT: 650106-2880
ATH: Senda kvittun á jogasetrid@jogasetrid.is með skýringunni: ADV2025
Verð: 155.000 kr.
Dive deeper into the esoteric and practical applications of I AM Yoga Nidra™. Drawing on little-known teachings of the Upanishads, scripture study of the Yoga Sutras, and rare teachings from our Lineage, we will explore the origins of Yoga Nidra as an ancient mystical practice.
We go deeper into the anatomy of the koshas, the importance of the wisdom body and how Yoga Nidra benefits all koshas. You will understand the higher and lower mind, how the ego is created and how the ego can be used in service of the Self.
New techniques for yourself and your students include new body rotations, breath and awareness cards, kosha experiences and prana/mother divine Yoga Nidra. You will also learn basics of Yoga Nidra as a form of yoga therapy, using protocols to aid those seeking emotional integration and solutions for trauma, PTSD and other forms of energetic blockages.
We will have a more in-depth look at visualizations and image techniques — understanding how they relate to the mental and wisdom body, when to use them, and how to deliver them so they do not bring in the thinking mind.
Finally we will give you suggestions on using your Advanced Cards to deliver Yoga Nidra to children.
10:00 Morgunkennsla
13.30 Hádegismatur
15:30 Síðdegiskennsla
19:00 Kvöldmatur
7:45 Jóga
9.00 Morgunmatur
10:00 Morgunkennsla
13.30 Hádegismatur
15:30 Síðdegiskennsla
19:00 Kvöldmatur
7:30 Jóga
8.30 Morgunmatur
9:30 Morgunkennsla
13:30 Hádegismatur og heimför
Birt með fyrirvara um breytingar
You can expect:
- In-depth study of Yoga Nidra through ancient yogic writings
- Twice-daily Yoga Nidra to restore, rejuvenate and walk the path that the ancient teachings have laid out for you
- Yoga Nidra as a therapeutic tool for any stage of emotional integration
- New Advanced Yoga Nidra card deck!
- How to ask the wisdom body for clarity and guidance
- Time to go with in, restore and be re-inspired
Day One
- Mandukya Upanishad
- Receive new cards and introduction to new techniques
- A closer look at the koshas. Bliss body, Wisdom Body.
- Importance of Wisdom Body and its power
- Yoga Nidra experiences with new techniques
Day Two
- Morning Yoga and Yoga Nidra
- Benefits of Yoga Nidra on each of the Koshas
- How to ask Wisdom body for guidance
- Mahanirvana tantra
- Yoga Nidra for emotional integration
- Practice teaching of new cards
- Yoga Nidra experiences with new techniques
Day Three
- Morning Yoga and Yoga Nidra
- 8 Limbs of Yoga and Relationship to Yoga Nidra
- Yoga Sutras – applications to Yoga Nidra
- Teachings of Yoga Nidra from I AM Yoga Lineage (Swami Kripalu)
- Practice Teaching
- Using Yoga Nidra as a tool of Yoga Therapy
- Yoga Nidra experiences with new technique
Day Four
- Morning Yoga and Yoga Nidra Yoga Nidra
- Applications of Yoga Nidra for kids
- Experience and practice
- Closing
Kamini Desai, Ph.D.
Síðustu 25 ár hefur Kamini búið til einstaka kennslu sem sameinar forna visku jóga og nútíma sálfræði.
Kamini er menntuð í Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health með gráður í mannfræði og sálfræði frá Smith College og La Salle háskóla og er dóttir eins af upphaflegu jógameisturunum sem var brautryðjandi í jóga á Vesturlöndum.
Hún er nú fræðslustjóri og aðalnámskrárhöfundur Amrit Yoga Institute; sem er framsækin kennslumiðstöð fyrir framhaldsnám í austurlandaspeki. Hún er einn af þremur stofnendum Alþjóðlega jógaháskólans og Ayurveda með Dr. Vijay K. Jain lækni og Shekhar Annambhotla.
Kamini ferðast víða um heim og miðlar svo einstalega vel af reynslu sinni og þekkingu.
Það má lesa nánar um Kamini á www.kaminidesai.com